A Complete Guide to Resistance Band Exercises

Resistance Band Exercises

Shoulder External Rotation (Rotator Cuff Exercise)

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Start Position:
  1. Wrap the resistance band around an object that is not going to move such as a pole, fence, tree or something similar. The resistance band should be at chest height.
  2. Stand side-on to the anchor point in a balanced, stable stance holding both ends of the resistance band in the hand furthest from the anchor point. The upper arm should be close to the body and the lower arm bent at a right-angle with your hand in front of your body, i.e. the arm is internally rotated.
  3. Move away from the anchor point to create tension in the resistance band.
End Position:
  1. Standing side-on to the anchor point in a balanced, stable stance holding both ends of the resistance band in the hand furthest from the anchor point. The upper arm should be close to the body and the lower arm bent at a right-angle with your hand to the side of your body, i.e. the arm is externally rotated.
  1. Externally rotate your arm within the shoulder capsule, moving your hand from in front of your body out to the side of your body. Your elbow should remain in place.
  2. Your body should remain stationary throughout the movement.
  3. Return to the starting position and repeat.
  4. Once you have completed your set on one side, turn to face the opposite direction and repeat with the other arm.
Modification Options:
  1. Vary the strength or length of the resistance band to increase/ decrease the difficulty of the exercise.
  2. When you are comfortable performing the exercise with your elbow in this position, you may start with the elbow away from the side of your body. Note that the elbow will still not move during the action.


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Start position


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End position
